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Why shifted value from @_ is not alias?

Shifts the first value of the array off and returns it...

This is done for speed optimization and to avoid copying by value.

Also in perlsub

The array @_ is a local array, but its elements are aliases for the actual scalar parameters. In particular, if an element $_[0] is updated, the corresponding argument is updated

Thus if we do my $self = shift in our sub, we shift the first value from @_, which is an alias, is it not?

But when we compare these two:

sub test {
     print \$_[0];    # SCALAR(0xf73c38)
     my $x =  shift;
     print \$x;       # SCALAR(0xf79800)

We see that $x is the copy.

Why is the shifted value from @_ not an alias?

So if the value is copied for the case my $x = shift too, what benefit does it provide over my $x = $_[0]?


  • The shifted value is an alias

    $ perl -E 'sub F{say \$_[0]; say \shift} $x=42; say \$x; F($x)'

    The assignment operation (e.g., $x = $_[0] or $x = shift) creates a copy of the scalar on the right hand side, so the newly assigned value is no longer an alias.

    As toolic said, the benefit of shift is to modify @_, which sometimes makes it easier to use in the rest of your subroutine.

    You could still work with a reference to the shifted value if you still wanted to be able to modify the input

    $ perl -E 'sub G { my $x=\shift; $$x = 19 } my $z = 42; G($z); say $z'