I started to look in to ssl certificates when I stumbled upon let's encrypt, and I wanted to use it with gitlab, however being that it is running on a raspberry pi 2 and its running quite perfectly now (so I dont want to mess anything up), he would I go about installing a lets encrypt ssl certificate properly? PS: My installation is omnibus
There are 2 ways depending on your infrastructure setup (Raspi, big Cloud server or something in between):
If you have an externally accessible Server (means your Gitlab host is callable from the Let´s Encrypt servers, which is needed for Let´s Encrypt´s automatic mechanism of verifying that you "own" a certain domain like gitlab.yoursite.com
and the corresponding and DNS resolved server/host) the only thing needed (from Gitlab version 10.7 on) is to add an s to the http in your Gitlab URL configuration in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
(as marcolz already mentioned):
external_url 'https://gitlab.yoursite.com'
From the docs in https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/ssl.html#let-39-s-encrypt-integration:
Omnibus-gitlab can automatically fetch and renew certificates from Let's Encrypt for you.
If your Gitlab host is not externally accessible by the Let´s Encrypt servers, the whole process is much harder! You´ll then leave the nice automatic way of letting Gitlab Omnibus do the heavy lifting for you. You definitely need to fetch the Let´s Encrypt certificates on your own now! There are some ways to fetch Let´s Encrypt certificates without the need for an externally accessible server.
The one I choose and would recommend is to use the alternative Let´s Encrypt client dehydrated together with the dns-lexicon to fully automate the process of obtaining the certificates together with the Let´s Encrypt dns-challenge
, which was introduced somewhere in 2016. This is the only way, where you don´t need an externally accessible server - but you again need to "own" a certain domain like gitlab.yoursite.com
AND you need API access to the DNS provider, which hosts your domain (here´s a list of supported DNS providers in that case).
As the whole process is quite complex I created a fully comprehensible Ansible playbook prepare-gitlab.yml where every step of the Gitlab installation with Omnibus is handled for you (full GitHub sources are available here: https://github.com/jonashackt/gitlab-ci-stack).
If you only want to create the Let´s Encrypt certificates, have a look into obtain-letsencrypt-certs-dehydrated-lexicon.yml - even if you don´t want to use Ansible, you can also manually reproduce every step on the console or use another automation tool like Chef or Saltstack (although I can´t recommend that personally). Another way would be to have a look onto this great blogpost from the lexicon guys: https://blog.thesparktree.com/generating-intranet-and-private-network-ssl, from those described steps I basically developed the playbook from.
Either way you choose, don´t forget to copy the manually (or automatically) fetched Let´s Encrypt certificates from
/srv/dehydrated/certs/{{ gitlab_domain }}/fullchain.pem
/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.crt
/srv/dehydrated/certs/{{ gitlab_domain }}/privkey.pem
/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.key
Gitlab will pick them up from there automatically for you, as the docs state in the way to manually configure HTTPS