How create friendly url in Flask?
What would be written in the route
And the user received(Url is constructed by categories from the database) /machines/cars/modern/Lexus LX570
Is it possible to do this and how to write this?
Redirect 302
/product/<int:id_product> redirect to second route(get in databases) /machines/cars/modern/Lexus LX570
Solution2: Three url and one function for get id product and other data of database
def index():
#use function for get data in database
def product(productName):
#use function for get data in database
def product_with_categories(fullPath,productName):
#use function for get data in database
You can try something like that :
from flask import make_response, url_for, redirect, abort
def product(id_product):
# Load you path with id_product to get nice url (in database)
if id_product == 123:
path = '/machines/cars/modern/Lexus LX570'
return redirect(url_for('product_friendly_url', product_category_hierarchy=path))
def product_friendly_url(product_category_hierarchy):
# Retrieve product from his product_category_hierarchy (in database)
product_item = {'id': 123, 'product_category_hierarchy': product_category_hierarchy, 'blabla': 'test'}
return make_response(str(product_item))
Call /123
in your browser will redirect (302) you to '/machines/cars/modern/Lexus LX570' and print :
{'id': 123, 'product_category_hierarchy': 'machines/cars/modern/Lexus LX570', 'blabla': 'test'}