I have this hasMany
relation, between a client and a product. When I generate the views and controllers, in the create view of the product I can chose a client. By default Grails displays a select containing only the id of the clients. How can I change that? For example I want to show only the name of the client instead of the id.
I'm using Grails 3.3, Here is the domain code:
class client {
String FirstName
String LastName
static hasMany = [products: Product]
class product {
String Name
int Price
Client c
static belongsTo = Client
You can customize how the select
looks like by specifying optionKey
and optionValue
<g:select from="${Client.list()}" name="client" optionKey="FirstName" optionValue="id" />
See the ref doc for details.
If you need to do something fancier, like show first AND last name, then you could pre-process the list a bit:
<g:select from="${Client.list().collect{ [ id:it.id, name:it.firstName + ' ' + it.lastName ] }}" name="client" optionKey="name" optionValue="id" />