I have a sorted defaultdict
k = {'a':[3,4,5] , 'x':[5,4,11] , 'c':[1,3,4] , 'l': [2,3], 'h':[1]}
What I want is to get only keys with highest or higesht equal length in value.
Expected output:
{'a':[3,4,5] , 'x':[5,4,11] , 'c':[1,3,4]} or [a,b,c]
I have used numpy to get true values in an array and then extract it my code:
z = np.array(arr) #arr variable has the size of lists i.e arr = [3,3,3,2,1]
p = len(z[z == z[0]]) #To Check how many highest count is SAME and store the count in p variable
print(z >= z[0])
Output :-
True True True False False
So my question is, is there any way to do this without using numpy ?
One way is to calculate the maximum length, then use a dictionary comprehension.
d = {'a':[3,4,5] , 'x':[5,4,11] , 'c':[1,3,4] , 'l': [2,3], 'h':[1]}
max_len = max(map(len, d.values()))
res = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if len(v) == max_len}
{'a': [3, 4, 5], 'x': [5, 4, 11], 'c': [1, 3, 4]}