Not sure if it is the trial version or the wrong link that I am using. However, I am simply trying to use as my background map (Map > Background Maps > Maps Services ... > Add ... > WMS Servers).
I used for the URL but I am absolutely not sure how it's supposed to be.
What should be the right URL?
Thanks for your help
--- EDIT ---
Following this tutorial, I created a .tms file and saved at the respective spot:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mapsource inline="false" version="8.1">
<connection class="OpenStreetMap" port="80" server="" url-format="/standard/${z}/${x}/${y}.png" />
<layer display-name="Base" name="base" show-ui="false" type="features" request-string="/" />
Yet when I select my custom background map I have a blank canvas ... I have found other users reporting the same issue but no reply.
I don't know tableau. However OpenRailwayMap uses TMS (like most OSM maps) and not WMS.
The correct TMS URLs are:${z}/${x}/${y}.png${z}/${x}/${y}.png${z}/${x}/${y}.png
Or just
can be replaced by maxspeed
and signals
to show the corresponding themes.
Make sure to respect the tile usage policy of OpenRailwayMap. I couldn't find any written policy but at least make sure not to bulk download their tiles.