In Wikipedia and other sources' description of OpenGL 4.0 I read about this feature:
Drawing of data generated by OpenGL or external APIs such as OpenCL, without CPU intervention.
What is this referring to?
Seems like this must be referring to Draw_Indirect which I believe somehow extends the draw phase to include feedback from shader programs or programs from interop (OpenCL/CUDA basically) It looks as if there are a few caveats and tricks to getting the calls to keep staying on the GPU for any extended amount of time past the second run but it should be possible.
If anyone can provide any more info on using draw commands without CPU or can describe draw indirect better, please feel free to do so. It will be greatly appreciated.
I believe that you may be refering to GL_ARB_draw_indirect functionality that allows OpenGL to source the DrawArrays or DrawElements parameters from a GPU buffer object, that can be filled by OpenGL or OpenCL.
If I'm not mistaken, it's included in core OpenGL 4.