We started using GitHub as Source control in our project recently and we are using Feature branches to work on the features. Once we are done with our development, we merge it to the develop branch using pull request.
During the merge if there are conflicts, we resolve using the web editor. But during this process all the commits done on the file with conflicts get included as a part of the feature branch.
Does anyone know how can i avoid this and make sure the feature branch stays clean?
You should only merge the feature branch into the develop branch (not the other way around). Then resolve the conflicts right there in the develop branch itself.
Note: If you are not too comfortable with the conflict resolution process, then best to create a 'develop-merge' branch, then merge the feature branch into it before creating a cleaner pull request for merging the new 'develop-merge' into 'develop' branch.
This way the develop branch will include all the features at the same time the feature branch won't be convoluted.