I'm brand-new to solr and solrj, and investigating them as a potential platform for a search-oriented app.
We have a lot of data in a MongoDB instance, with pojos defined in Java. I'd like to migrate the data over to solr using my existing MongoDB POJOs, by adding solrj @Field
This seems to work fine for String fields, but not so much for ints:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ERRORunknown_field_downloadsCount
Is there a simple way to get solrj to automatically map ints (and potentially other non-string types) to String?
I guess I could just alter my class with something like:
String getDownloadCountAsString() { return Integer.toString(downloadCount); }
But I was wondering if there was a more robust solution.
The error suggests that you don't have a 'downloadsCount' field in the Solr schema. Check your schema.xml.