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Jax-RS url-pattern causes 404 error

I am running JBOSS 6.4 EAP in eclipse oxygen.

I have a simple and working webservice that just returns is alive.

When I configure the url-pattern as " /* " it is executed as expected. When I put a more substantial pattern "/rws/*" in the url-pattern I get 404

My URL is localhost:8080/mesh/rws/menu/isAlive

failing web.xml There is no corresponding servlet block for this servlet


Servlet Class

public class MenuService
    public Response isAlive()
        return Response.ok("I am alive").build();

Error from Server

JBWEB000065: HTTP Status 404 - RESTEASY001185: Could not find resource for relative : /menu/isAlive of full path: http://localhost:8080/mesh/rws/menu/isAlive

Context param I have tried adding the context param to web.xml as suggested in various places on line, but it seems already set and I am not sure how to over ride.

</context-param >

yields error:

ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 64) JBWEB001097: Error starting context /mesh: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JBWEB000280: Duplicate context initialization parameter resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix


  • When you have /rws/* in the url-pattern, you're not supposed to put /rws in the @Path also. If you do this, then the url would be /rws/rws. The url-pattern is the prefix for the entire application. So just remove the /rws from the @Path.