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Angular 4 Routing - base-href gets prepended to hashPath

When the built version of the angular app is placed in the root, it generates the url just fine

But when it is placed somewhere deeper inside the root, and I use base-href, the router still behaves fine while loading the page, but once it is loaded, the base-href gets prepended to the hashpath like the following:

Expected Url:

I found out the problem was associated with the injection of APP_BASE_HREF entry in the import section of app.module.ts?

providers: [
  provide: APP_BASE_HREF,
  useFactory: getBaseHref,
  deps: [PlatformLocation]


Commenting that out solves the problem, but I need it in order to inject BASE_HREF in my services to pull contents from assets folder. HELP?

P.S. I am using lazy loading.


  • I resolved it by creating a CustomLocationStrategy by extending the HashLocationStrategy, since this seemed to be the only solution.

    import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
    import {HashLocationStrategy} from "@angular/common";
    export class CustomLocationStrategy extends HashLocationStrategy {
      prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string {
        const url = this.getBaseHref() + '#' + internal;
        return url;

    Imported the custom class along with APP_BASE_HREF and LocationStrategy in app.module.ts

    import { APP_BASE_HREF, LocationStrategy } from "@angular/common";
    import { CustomLocationStrategy } from './common/services/customLocationStrategy.service';

    and added the following in the providers section.

    providers: [
        provide: APP_BASE_HREF, 
        useValue: window.location.pathname
        provide: LocationStrategy, 
        useClass: CustomLocationStrategy