When the built version of the angular app is placed in the root, it generates the url just fine
But when it is placed somewhere deeper inside the root, and I use base-href, the router still behaves fine while loading the page, but once it is loaded, the base-href gets prepended to the hashpath like the following:
Expected Url:
I found out the problem was associated with the injection of APP_BASE_HREF entry in the import section of app.module.ts?
providers: [
provide: APP_BASE_HREF,
useFactory: getBaseHref,
deps: [PlatformLocation]
Commenting that out solves the problem, but I need it in order to inject BASE_HREF in my services to pull contents from assets folder. HELP?
P.S. I am using lazy loading.
I resolved it by creating a CustomLocationStrategy by extending the HashLocationStrategy, since this seemed to be the only solution.
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {HashLocationStrategy} from "@angular/common";
export class CustomLocationStrategy extends HashLocationStrategy {
prepareExternalUrl(internal: string): string {
const url = this.getBaseHref() + '#' + internal;
return url;
Imported the custom class along with APP_BASE_HREF and LocationStrategy in app.module.ts
import { APP_BASE_HREF, LocationStrategy } from "@angular/common";
import { CustomLocationStrategy } from './common/services/customLocationStrategy.service';
and added the following in the providers section.
providers: [
provide: APP_BASE_HREF,
useValue: window.location.pathname
provide: LocationStrategy,
useClass: CustomLocationStrategy