I have this loop to compute the mean per column, which works.
for (i in 1:length(DF1)) {
tempA <- DF1[i] # save column of DF1 onto temp variable
names(tempA) <- 'word' # label temp variable for inner_join function
DF2 <- inner_join(tempA, DF0, by='word') # match words with numeric value from look-up DF0
tempB <- as.data.frame(t(colMeans(DF2[-1]))) # compute mean of column
DF3<- rbind(tempB, DF3) # save results togther
The script uses the dplyr package for inner_join
Now I want to compute the median instead of the mean. It seemed easy enough with the colMedians function from 'robustbase', but I can't get the below to work.
for (i in 1:length(DF1)) {
tempA <- DF1[i]
names(tempA) <- 'word'
DF2 <- inner_join(tempA, DF0, by='word')
tempB <- as.data.frame(t(colMedians(DF2[-1])))
DF3<- rbind(tempB, DF3)
The error message reads:
Error in colMedians(tog[-1]) : Argument 'x' must be a matrix.
I've tried to format DF2 as a matrix prior to the colMedians function, but still get the error message:
Error in colMedians(tog[-1]) : Argument 'x' must be a matrix.
I don't understand what is going on here. Thanks for the help!
Happy to provide sample data and error traceback, but trying to keep it as crisp and simple as possible.
According to the comment by the OP, the following solved the problem.
I have added a call to library(dplyr)
My contribution was colMedians(data.matrix(DF2[-1]), na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(DF1)) {
tempA <- DF1[i]
names(tempA) <- 'word'
DF2 <- inner_join(tempA, DF0, by='word')
tempB <- colMedians(data.matrix(DF2[-1]), na.rm = TRUE)
DF3 <- rbind(tempB, DF3)