I Tried to create a calculated measure inn my SSAS cube with complex filters as the following:
([Measures].[Amount],[Scenarios].[Scenario Key].&[1],[AccountType],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[NotesReceivable],[JE Type].[JE Type].&[CI],[JE Type].[JE Type].&[NR])
I want to Get the summation of amount value which has:
But i Get this measure as Null So can any one can help to solve this?
It's not working because you are doing an intersection of the same dimension hierarchy:
[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank],[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash]
means in MDX: Account Type = Bank
AND Account Type = Cash
at the same time.
Just use set of members and SUM function.
Try this one:
{[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Bank]
,[AccountType].[Account Type].&[Cash]
,[AccountType].[Account Type].&[NotesReceivable]}
{[JE Type].[JE Type].&[CI]
,[JE Type].[JE Type].&[NR]}
,([Scenarios].[Scenario Key].&[1],[Measures].[Amount]))
- aggregate functionDimension1 filter * Dimension2 filter
- gave all combinations(Dimension3,measure)
- filters out single-selected dimensions