i work with activiti-rest 5.22, and j2ee my problem is that i connect each time to the engine to be able to realize functionalities like list processes when i authenticate to the process and for example i want to list the process listre at each he shows me this:
Infos: Starting the default HTTP client
Info: Stopping the default HTTP client
Infos: Starting the default HTTP client
Infos: Starting the default HTTP client
my activity connection function activiti:
private static ClientResource getClientResource (String uri) {
ClientResource resource = new ClientResource (uri);
resource.setChallengeResponse (ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC,
"kermit", "kermit");
return resource;
That's probably a logging level configuration, I recommend you to take a look at the documentation: https://www.activiti.org/5.x/userguide/#loggingConfiguration
The configuration should be set to none