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Java Spark: Creation of key vector for aprroxNearestNeighbor in case of categorical data

I am trying to find approximate nearest neighbors for a categorical dataset. For this, I am using MinHashLSH model present in Spark.

My dataset has categorical data. So I am using StringIndexer followed by OneHotEncoderEstimator followed by VectorAssembler to convert the categorical values into continuous values.

Now I want to find nearest neighbors for a given key from my dataset and this key should be in Vector form. I am unable to find a way to convert a categorical key into a continuous vector.

List<Row> dataA = Arrays.asList(RowFactory.create(0, "apple"),
            RowFactory.create(1, "banana"),
            RowFactory.create(2, "coconut"));

StructType schema = new StructType(
            new StructField[] { new StructField("id", DataTypes.IntegerType, false, Metadata.empty()),
                    new StructField("fruits", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty()) });
Dataset<Row> dfA = spark.createDataFrame(dataA, schema);
StringIndexer stringIndexer = new StringIndexer().setInputCol("fruits").setOutputCol("fruitIndex").setHandleInvalid("keep");
OneHotEncoderEstimator  encoder = new OneHotEncoderEstimator().setInputCols(new String[]{"fruitIndex"}).setOutputCols(new String[]{"fruitVec"});
String[] featuredCols = new String[] {"fruitIndex","fruitVec"};
VectorAssembler assembler = new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(featuredCols).setOutputCol("features");

Pipeline sovPipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(new PipelineStage[]{stringIndexer, encoder, assembler}); 
    //  Feature Transformation
PipelineModel plModel =;
Dataset<Row> dfT = plModel.transform(dfA);
MinHashLSH mh = new MinHashLSH().setNumHashTables(5).setInputCol("features").setOutputCol("hashes");
MinHashLSHModel model =;
// model.approxNearestNeighbors(dfT, key, 2).show();

How can I create the key(numerical continuous vector) for approxNearestNeighbors method from a categorical key?


  • The Vector you use should be transformed using the same methods as the training data. Since Pipeline model cannot work on single item, the quickest solution is to use a single item Dataset:

    Vector key = plModel.transform(spark.createDataFrame(Arrays.asList(
        RowFactory.create(0, "some key")), schema