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How can I install SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services?

Has anyone successfully installed SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services?

I've tried several times and half way through the installation I always get the error:

The downloaded file appears to be corrupt.

I found this thread on MSDN but it seems that no one there could get it to work. They were only successful in installing the 'SQL Server 2008 Express with Tools' (default) option.

I need to have Full-text Search so I need the 'Advanced Services' option. If anyone has successfully installed this then would be they so kind as to share the method used?


  • My experience in XP Pro SP3 and how I got through it. I went to the download page and clicked on the download link to install any version which downloads a bootstrapper (SQLEXP32_x86_ENU_Bootstraper.exe) which if you select the advanced services edition fails to load the install file (SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe) . After many headaches,disk cleanup, etc. I tried the link for the specific advanced services edition. This downloads the file (SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe) itself which can then be run. I had to run it from the command prompt, but that's probably just my persinickety system. At any rate, while there are probably more problems ahead, at least this get the installer running. It comes up with the SQL Server Installation and you have to step through it manually.

    BTW I tried to post this to the site but couldn't log in.