This my Controller where I am returning variable in ModelMap attribute to that same jsp page if successful or failure
public ModelAndView PassChangeStaff(@RequestParam("OldPassword")String oldpass,
@RequestParam("NewPassword")String newpass,
@RequestParam("ConfirmNewPassword")String cnfpass,ModelMap map){
String sid=session.getAttribute("StaffLoggedIN").toString();
boolean result=staffservice.changepass(sid,oldpass,newpass,cnfpass);
map.addAttribute("message", "Password changed successfully");
return new ModelAndView("StaffChangePass",map);
map.addAttribute("message", "Password changed failure");
return new ModelAndView("StaffChangePass",map);
In jsp I did this
<c:if test="${not empty message}">
<p id="panel">${message}</p>
panel taken as id is similar to Toast Message in android more appropriately jquery animation since I want this to animate only if variable is not empty but the password changes and nothing is displayed.
It should work ideally but just to troubleshoot can you please print the value of message outside if condition like this :
<c:out = "${message}"/>
And based on this put your condition.
Hope it helps..!!