I am calling a HTTP request and typecasting the received response to required type using an interface, in a service. The HTTP response is a JSON object with some key value pair of items. I have subscribed to that service in an component. When I console log the response received in the subscribe function, it logs the object perfectly with key value pair. But when I assign that object to the component class member, it does not seem to be typecast to the required interface type. Because when I use the class member variable keys in the component html, I get error - 'Cannot read property 'X' of undefined'
Here are the code snippets -
export interface NewsItem {
status: string;
totalResults: number;
articles: any[];
export class NewsService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
getCategoryNews(): Observable<NewsItem>{
return this.http.get<NewsItem>(newsUrl);
export class NewsContainerComponent implements OnInit {
newsData: NewsItem;
constructor(private _newsService: NewsService) {}
ngOnInit() {
(response) => {
this.newsData = response;
(err) => {
<div *ngFor="let item of newsData.articles">
Actual Response from the HTTP request is as follows
"name":"Google News (Australia)"
"title":"Former Malaysian PM questioned on graft",
"description":"Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak could face criminal charges after being questioned over a corruption scandal."
"name":"The Guardian (UK)"
"title":"Manchester Arena attack: thousands to mark anniversary",
"description":"Series of events across city including a mass singalong are being held one year on from terrorist attack",
In case of above code, I am getting error - "Cannot read property 'articles' of undefined". Why I am getting this error even when type casting HTTP response with interface?
You are trying to access the data before it is Resolved
In this case Use safe navigation operator ( ?. )
While accessing properties of an object it may throw an exception if the object is null or undefined. The Angular safe navigation operator (?.)
is a fluent and convenient way to guard against null and undefined values in property paths.
<ng-container *ngIf="newsData">
<div *ngFor="let item of newsData?.articles">