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testcafe/node.js Error thrown in element query

I have the following code snippet in a testcafe script I am writting.

32: let NNT = Selector('#notNow').withText('No thanks, not at this time.')
33: button = Selector('.myclass')
34: let email = [email protected]
35: await
36: let emailS= Selector('#login-email')
37: await t.expect(emailS.visible).ok()
38: await t.debug()
39: await t.typeText(emailS,email)

But on line 38 i am getting the following error

Error on page "":

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined

I realize this error means that the page my no longer exist however there definitly is a email box here is the html

<label for="login-email">Email Address</label>
<div class="input-box">
<input type="text" class="input-text required-entry validate-email" id="login-email" name="login[username]" value="">

So in this context what does this error mean. Thanks in advance.

Update: Upon deleting lines to see where the error is occurring I found the error is thrown immediately after it loads the page containing .myclass is loaded.


  • where is this property 'top' being referenced? In this context it means that whatever object you are expecting the property 'top' to exist in, that object does not exist and therefore it is undefined