I am using apex ORDS to create my own REST api.
what I'm trying to do is to create a query that returns in json format a list of animes linked to a specific user :
to help visualisation, I have user with ID = 1 that has a seen 3 animes : anime ID : 1,2 and 4
the request I want to do in ORDS is :
select *
from table
where ID in (1,2,4)
I'm on android studio using java and what I want is to create an URL of this type :
"https://apex.oracle.com/****/apex/****/****/getAnimeList?q=" + theList
The problem is that I can't find how to catch ?q in ORDS and use it it my query.
How do I get ?q in ORDS and could you give me an example please? thanks
Everything in the Query String in ORDS is automatically turned into a Bind. There's nothing extra to be done. "q" is an exception because it is used internally by ORDS for Query Filtering. That means q= has to follow a very exact syntax and has specific function tied to it. REF: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E56351_01/doc.30/e87809/developing-REST-applications.htm#GUID-091748F8-3D14-402B-9310-25E6A9116B47
For the others, here's an example. Just choose a different letter/name and it'll work fine.