What cats typeclass should I use to encode that two types are Isomorphic (i.e. can be converted back and forth without effects)
I want to encode the decomposition of a type into a tuple of two others:
A <=> (B, C)
Obviously, the typeclass should expose the two functions for each direction of the conversion, and ideally implicit methods for convenient conversion. Something like this: (but failed to find it)
trait Iso[A,B] {
def to(a: A):B
def from(b: B): A
Are you looking for cats.evidence.Is
type A
type B
type X = Is[A, B] // A Is B
val a: A = ???
val b: B = ???
val x: A Is B = ???
val y: B Is A = ???
x.coerce(a): B
y.coerce(b): A
It's similar to scalaz.Leibniz