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swagger-editor vs swagger-codegen

I am a newbie to swagger and I have been trying to develop api's using swagger-editor.

Swagger-codegen states that is an open source code-generator to build server stubs and client SDKs directly from a Swagger defined RESTful API.

When I work with swagger-editor I can see options :Generate server and Generate Client (I am running swagger-editor locally)

Does swagger-codegen have the same functionality as Generate server and Generate Client in swagger-editor or is there anything more to it ?

Thanks in advance.


  • Swagger Editor uses the online version of Swagger Codegen that is hosted at There are other ways to run Swagger Codegen, for example:

    The main difference is that Swagger Editor calls the Codegen with the default options. If you want to customize the output, e.g. use a custom package name or custom codegen templates, you'll need to run the Codegen yourself.