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Allure-behave not reporting failed suits as 'failed'

I have Python bdd tests in Behave. Using version 1.2.6

The issue I'm facing is that Allure-behave reports failed suits as "Passed", even if it does show a failed step, and report it as such.

I have a behave.ini in my features folder with:

allure = allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter

I run my tests with:

behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o allure-results

I do see that the result files being created by allure-behave does say the suits has passed, and is then in turn reported as such on the Allure UI

  • Did I mis something while setting-up/running tests?
  • Maybe add something to the "after_scenario" method?

Output from test run

Output from results in my allure-results folder



  • Already fixed in 2.3.3b1 Feel free to create issues in our repo