Here is what i tried:
[SKRoutingService sharedInstance].navigationDelegate = self;
SKNavigationSettings* navSettings = [SKNavigationSettings navigationSettings];
navSettings.transportMode = SKTransportPedestrian;
navSettings.showStreetNamePopUpsOnRoute = YES;
navSettings.viaPointNotificationDistance = 5;
[[SKRoutingService sharedInstance]startNavigationWithSettings:navSettings];
I dont find any differences in the behavior when i tried different transportMode. What i believe is Audio advices are only targeted for Car, where advices are alerting user before large distances (take right turn in 30 meters....). But i want it to alert user in short distances (take right turn in 2 meters ...)
What can i do to get advices which are for pedestrians but not for Car/bike riders?
You can change the pre-defined distances for pedestrian advices in SKMaps.bundle > AdvisorConfigs > Pedestrian> advice_places.adv Where the first column represents distances_outside_city and the second distances_in city. Here you can find more info and know how on the SDK audio advices.