I want some like datetime.now() or similar in Odoo 11 to get the actual date and time.
I tried the code I saw in another answers in stawoverflow, but doesn´t works for me. Can someone put an example for how to do it?
Examples that doesn´t works:
exit = fields.Datetime('Date current action', required=False, readonly=False, select=True, default=lambda self: fields.datetime.now())
exit = fields.Datetime(string="Date current action", default=lambda *a: datetime.now())
exit= fields.Date.context_today(self, timestamp=datetime.datetime.now())
You can find an example at sale.py.
The following explanation is taken from Odoo 11 ORM API
class odoo.fields.Datetime(string=, **kwargs)
...For default values fields.datetime.now() should be used instead.
You can also use time
module to set default values