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Access vue instance from handsontable

I am trying to set a vuejs variable from within handsontable.

The vuejs variable:


in code block below is not available from handsontable settings, any idea how can I access it?

<div id="hot-container">
<HotTable :root="root" :settings="hotSettings"></HotTable>

export default {

data() {

return {
  #vuejs variable i want to set from hot
  dataChanged: false,
  root: 'test-hot',
  hotSettings: {
    data: [{something: 0}],
    afterChange: function(changes, src) {
      if (src !== 'loadData') {
        this.dataChanged = true
methods: {
  saveChanges: function () {
    if (this.dataChanged){
      //save data


  • I faced this same problem... I found a workaround posted on GitHub like so..

    This way you can access all Vue's data, methods, etc as you normally would.

    data() {
       return {
         hotSettings: {
           afterChange: this.afterChangeVue
    methods: {
        afterChangeVue(changes, source) {
          console.log('changes, source => ', changes, source);
          console.log('this.$store => ', this.$store);

    Here is the link to the original thread: