I'm making some frequency graphs using the sjp.frq
function, but the axis labels are to big and I would like to break those in two lines. The shows that the axis labels are one on the top of the other. How do I change this?
Thanks for the help!
set_theme(base = theme_classic(), axis.title.size = 0, geom.label.size = 4.5,
axis.textsize.x = 1.1, axis.textsize.y = 1.1 )
sjp.frq(base$x, type = c("bar"), sort.frq = c("desc"), geom.colors = "grey")
Although no sample data is given, here's are two fixes that may work
set_theme(base = theme_classic(), axis.title.size = 0, geom.label.size = 4.5,
axis.textsize.x = 1.1, axis.textsize.y = 1.1 )
sjp.frq(base$x, type = c("bar"), sort.frq = c("desc"), geom.colors = "grey",coord.flip =TRUE) #Flip the corrdinate and check if that avoids the overlap.
If the above does't work, try setting the axis.angle.x argument as follows
set_theme(base = theme_classic(), axis.title.size = 0, geom.label.size = 4.5,
axis.textsize.x = 1.1, axis.textsize.y = 1.1,axis.angle.x = 45 )#this should slant the text to avoid the overlap
sjp.frq(base$x, type = c("bar"), sort.frq = c("desc"), geom.colors = "grey")