I'm currently preparing a presentation in RStudio (using RMarkdown and Knitr, outputting to a Beamer presentation) that has quite a few references.
I'm using a pretty typical YAML header:
title: "Title"
author: "Me"
date: "February 27th, 2016"
csl: ../../apa.csl
bibliography: ../../RefenceDesk.bib
This presentation compiles and the references appear as they should, but unfortunately they all appear on one slide (and actually run off the page). Is there any way to have the references appear on multiple slides?
As @David above said in the comments:
For me it didnt work with ## References {.allowframebreaks} but it worked out with # References {.allowframebreaks}.
I would like to point out that, apparently for the reference slide to work you have to create a last slide with the same heading level es set by slide_level: __
at the YAML section.
So, the user should set one of the following:
slide_level: 1
, ORslide_level: 2
, ORslide_level: 3
and so on...