I developed a pipeline in AWS where I collect CPU Temperature from my notebook via Python 3, send to AWS IoT Core using security protocols, a rule sends data to Cloud Watch and DynamoDB saves it. A Data Pipeline was created to save this DynamoDB data to S3 and I want to generate plots of this data with Quick Sight.
However, I am not being able to make Quick Sight properly read the file. The S3 file looks like this:
When I use the manifest file below, Quick Sight successfully reads data but the 'parseJson' command in New Calculated field disappears, making impossible to read the JSON:
"fileLocations": [
"URIs": [
"URIPrefixes": [
],"globalUploadSettings": {
"format": "CSV","delimiter":"\n","textqualifier":"'"
Quick Sight reads the JSON as:
... with no 'parseJson' command.
Data in Quick Sight has no missing values and the AWS pipeline works perfectly. What can I do ?
I found the way to make it work. Simply:
"fileLocations": [
"URIs": [
"URIPrefixes": [
],"globalUploadSettings": {"format":"JSON",