thinkpython2thinkpython2 link has exercise 3.1 that specifies a function right_justify should print a string s with the last letter of the string in column 70.
The exact question is: Exercise 3.1. Write a function named right_justify that takes a string named s as a parameter and prints the string with enough leading spaces so that the last letter of the string is in column 70 of the display.
There is also a hint provided: Hint: Use string concatenation and repetition. Also, Python provides a built-in function called len that returns the length of a string, so the value of len('monty') is 5.
Is there a standard for determining so-called column locations? How would you write the code??
Example Code:
To determine what "column" the last letter of a string is in is the same as its length.
From the pdf: "Hint: Use string concatenation and repetition. Also, Python provides a built-in function called len that returns the length of a string, so the value of len('monty') is 5."