I am trying to web hosting on windows Server 2016 Standard edition
, I installed windows IIS using Windows PowerShell, I successfully configured on previous edition i.e. Windows Server 2012 Standard.
There are net.tcp
and net.pipe
selection options instead of http
and https
As per stackoverflow reference: I found following link, but i can't re-install IIS Server. HTTP Binding missing in IIS
Question was asked quite a while ago but I figured I should post my solution since it ate up quite a bit of time.
If you navigate to applicationHost.config, mine was under C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config. Open it up and make sure you see http under listenerAdapters.
<add name = "https"/>
Solution was found from https://forums.iis.net/t/1177049.aspx?Problems+creating+a+new+site