I'm trying to format the currency with the following command
<h1>R$ {{item.valor | currency:"BRL":true:1.2 }}</h1>
but this error is shown
digitsinfo.match is not a function
How can I get the money in the correct format in Ionic 3?
Take a look at the CurrencyPipe docs. The pipe expects following format:
{{ value_expression | currency [ : currencyCode [ : display [ : digitsInfo [ : locale ] ] ] ] }}
where digitsInfo
is supposed to be
a string which has a following format: {minIntegerDigits}.{minFractionDigits}-{maxFractionDigits}.
(Source, emphasis is mine)
So formatting your digitsInfo
as a string should fix your error:
<h1>R$ {{item.valor | currency:"BRL":true:"1.2" }}</h1>