I get this error for the Show method, why? :/
sol = First@
NDSolve[{eq1ad, eq2ad, eqrad} U CondizioniIniziali, {q1, q2,
qr}, {t, 0, T}]
p1 = ParametricPlot3D[
{xE, yE, zE} /. sol,
{t, 0, T},
AxesLabel -> {"x[t]", "y[t]", "z[t]"},
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1},
PlotStyle -> Red
{{0, 0, 0}, {xB, yB, zB}, {xE, yE, zE}} /. sol /. t -> time,
PlotStyle -> {Thick, Red}
{time, 0, T}
Is it maybe because I can't combine a ParametricPlot3d with Show?
I think you are trying to combine a 2D ListLinePlot
with a 3D ParametricPlot3D
. Reading the documentation for ListLinePlot
seems to show that it only accepts 2D points, not 3D points.
You might be able to adapt something like this
p1 = ParametricPlot3D[{Sin[t],Cos[t],t^2}, {t,0,T}];
Show[p1, Graphics3D[ Line[{{0, 0, 0}, {1/2,1/2,2}, {1/3, 1/3,3}}]]]
which can turn a list of 3D points into a Line
into a Graphics3D
and then combine that your ParametricPlot3D