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How to do mouse hover in geb spock

I am using geb spock and trying to hover an element, however I am getting error. Below are details. Page Object Class

class HomePage extends Page {

    static at ={
        title.contains("Activity Dashboard")

    static content = {
        tabConnections (wait : true) {$("a", "class" : contains("dropdown-toggle"), "text" : "Connections")}
        subMenuManageConnections (wait: true) {tabConnections.find("ul").find("a" , "href": "/managecash/EDGE_Network" , "text" : "Manage Connections")}

    public void mouseHoverMethod(){
        waitFor {tabConnections.displayed}

        Actions actions = new Actions(driver)

When I am calling mouseHoverMethod method from my spock spec file, getting below error message: on line (actions.moveToElement(tabConnections).build().perform()) as below:

Error Message:

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions.moveToElement() is applicable for argument types: (geb.content.TemplateDerivedPageContent) values: [pageobjects.general.HomePage -> tabConnections: geb.navigator.NonEmptyNavigator] Possible solutions: moveToElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement), moveToElement(org.openqa.selenium.WebElement, int, int)

Can you please help me how mouse hovering can be done in Geb Spock?


  • @kriegaex, @erdi. Thanks for your solutions. I am also able to find one working solution and created below methods in page object. All three methods are working fine.

    public void mouseHoverMethodOne (TemplateDerivedPageContent element){
            waitFor {element}
    public void mouseHoverMethodTwo (TemplateDerivedPageContent element){
            waitFor {element.displayed}
            Actions actions = new Actions(driver)
    public void mouseHoverMethodThree (TemplateDerivedPageContent element){
            waitFor {element.displayed}
            interact {

    Thanks for your help on this. I have rated your answers too, as those give me lot of insights.