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Override dependencies in Dagger Module

There's a base module with common dependencies:

object CommonActivityModule {

    fun baseNavigator(activity: AppCompatActivity): Navigator = BaseNavigator(activity, SOME_STUFF)

    // other common deps

I include it in every Activity module to obtain those common deps. But in some modules I want to shadow a few base interface implementations with another:

@Module(includes = [CommonActivityModule::class])
interface SomeActivityModule {

    fun anotherNavigator(anotherNavigator: AnotherNavigator): Navigator    

    // other module's binds

And it thows ..Navigator is bound multiple times-exception. Is there a way how I can replace those interface implementations without dropping the whole CommonActivityModule?


  • You're binding each as Navigator. I believe you need to use a different return type on your shadowed binding.

    Alternatively, you could try something with Qualifiers. Defining a custom qualifier is easy; you should be able to find examples online. I'd share one, but I'm on my phone right now.

    This answer has been accepted, so I'd like to add some code to make it more "complete". Here's an example of a custom "Qualifier" (Kotlin)

    import javax.inject.Qualifier
    annotation class DelayQualifier


    @Module object {
        @Provides @DelayQualifier @JvmStatic
        fun provideDelay(): Long = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) 1L else 3L
    class SignupViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(
        @param:DelayQualifier private val delay: Long
    ) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { ... }

    This is the only Long I'm currently injecting in my project, so I don't need the qualifier. But if I decide I want more Longs, I'll regret not qualifying this one.