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How Can I Script Oracle Wallet Changes?

I use the Oracle wallet to store passwords for the databases I connect to. Our password policy requires us to change our passwords frequently enough that I would like to script the changes. I have a batch file that can change the database passwords themselves, but I would like to script the changes to the wallet as well. The problem is that a wallet password must be entered after calling mkstore and the password can't be passed as a parameter. Is there a way to script credential changes in the wallet?


  • Here is a Powershell script I came up with. Requirements:

    1. PowerShell is installed.
    2. Scripting is enabled (Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned run as administrator).
    3. The script is in c:\oracle\WalletCreator.
    4. Wasp.dll from Windows Automation Snapin for PowerShell is located in the script folder.

    The wallet will be created in c:\oracle\Wallets. Here is the script.

    Import-Module c:\oracle\WalletCreator\WASP.dll
    $WalletCreated = 0
    Write-Host "                                                           " -foregroundcolor White -backgroundcolor DarkRed
    Write-Host "   Warning: This script will delete your current wallet.   " -foregroundcolor White -backgroundcolor DarkRed
    Write-Host "                                                           " -foregroundcolor White -backgroundcolor DarkRed
    do {
        #Get credentials
        Write-Host " " 
        Write-Host " New Wallet Entry                                          " -foregroundcolor White -backgroundcolor DarkGreen
        Write-Host "    To exit press return without entering anything.        " -foregroundcolor White -backgroundcolor DarkGreen
        $DB = Read-Host "Connection Name"
        if ($DB -eq "") {
        $Username = Read-Host "       Username"
        if ($Username -eq "") {
        $Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString "       Password" 
        #Convert from SecureString to String.
        $BasicString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
        $Password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BasicString)
        if ($Password -eq "") {
        if ($WalletCreated -eq 0) {
            #Create folder in case it doesn't exist.
            md c:\oracle\Wallets -Force | Out-Null
            #Delete any wallet in the folder now.
            del c:\oracle\Wallets\*.* | Out-Null
            #Get GUID for wallet password.
            $WalletPassword = [guid]::NewGuid().toString()
            $WalletPassword = $WalletPassword + "`r"
            #Create Wallet.
            Start-Process -FilePath mkstore -ArgumentList "-wrl c:\oracle\Wallets\ -create"
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
            Select-Window -ProcessName cmd | Select -First 1 | Send-Keys -keys $WalletPassword
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
            Select-Window -ProcessName cmd | Select -First 1 | Send-Keys -keys $WalletPassword
            $WalletCreated = 1
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
        #Create Credential.
        $CC = "-wrl c:\oracle\Wallets\ -createCredential " + $DB + " " 
        $CC = $CC + $Username + " " + $Password
        Start-Process -FilePath mkstore -ArgumentList $CC
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
        Select-Window -ProcessName cmd | Select -First 1 | Send-Keys -keys $WalletPassword
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
    until ($DB -eq "")