What is the proper way to pass query string parameters to bs-fetch
Currently, I have:
Obviously, this is not sustainable for larger parameter lists.
Is there a better way to do this?
re:fetch supports query params by way of either
("param1", "value1"),
("param2", "value2")
|> fetch;
|> Request.param("param1", "value1")
|> Request.param("param2", "value2")
|> fetch;
Beware that the library is experimental though. Alternatively, you could just swipe the query builder code, which has been battle-tested at least a little bit (there's a subtle bug in @monssef's implementation when there's an empty list, and it also doesn't do proper encoding):
[@bs.val] external encodeURIComponent : string => string = "";
let _buildUrl = (url, params) => {
let encodeParam = ((key, value)) =>
encodeURIComponent(key) ++ "=" ++ encodeURIComponent(value);
let params =
params |> List.map(encodeParam)
|> String.joinWith("&");
switch params {
| "" => url
| _ => {j|$url?$params|j}