I am defining a type and everything works fine except the method that accesses the last data constructor : JArray
I get the following error:
Not in scope: type constructor or class `JArray'
A data constructor of that name is in scope; did you mean DataKinds?
28 | getArray::JValue->Maybe JArray
Why is this happening? I can load the module and instantiate the JArray
but it won't load with the getArray
data JValue = JString String
| JNumber Double
| JBool Bool
| JNull
| JObject [(String, JValue)]
| JArray [JValue]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
getString :: JValue -> Maybe String
getString (JString s) = Just s
getString _ = Nothing
getInt :: JValue -> Maybe Int
getInt (JNumber n) = Just (truncate n)
getInt _ = Nothing
getBool :: JValue -> Maybe Bool
getBool (JBool b) = Just b
getBool _ = Nothing
getObject (JObject obj) = Just obj
getObject _ = Nothing
--What is wrong in this method?
getArray :: JValue -> Maybe JArray
getArray (JArray arr) = Just arr
getArray _ = Nothing
is a value constructor, not a type. You cannot use JArray
in type signatures.* This is actually explained in the error: Not in scope: type constructor or class `JArray'
Since we see this:
data JValue = JString String
| JNumber Double
| JBool Bool
| JNull
| JObject [(String,JValue)]
| JArray [JValue] -- This line defines JArray
So JArray :: [JValue] -> JValue
. Looking at your function, but ignoring the erroneous type signature:
getArray (JArray arr) = Just arr
-- ^ arr :: [JValue], so Just arr :: Maybe [JValue]
getArray _ = Nothing
-- ^ Nothing :: Maybe a
So, since you're pattern matching on some JValue
, the function has type getArray :: JValue -> Maybe [JValue]
. This is because types and inhabitants of that type are distinct.
* except with DataKinds
, but this is a separate concern.