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Retrieving properties of relationship through query

I would like to create a query which returns all the Requests (asset) in which the Container's (asset) owner's id is equal to the parameter.

Model file (owner of a container is a Company participant, identified by id):

namespace org.acme.shipping.assets
import org.acme.shipping.participants.*

asset Container identified by number {
  o String number
  o ContainerType type
  o String content
  o ContainerStatus status default = "FREE"
  --> Company owner

enum ContainerType {
  o DRY

enum ContainerStatus {
  o FREE

asset Request identified by id {
  o String id
  --> Container container

Query file

query getRequestsByCompany {
  description: "Get requests by company"
      SELECT org.acme.shipping.assets.Request
          WHERE ( == _$company_id)

However, the current query does not seem to work. Is this achievable with a query?


  • I did a lot of research also to do it using query file, but couldnt find a way, so I think that its not possible at moment.

    The alternative way is to use loopback filters:

    Something like:

    {"where":{"shipmentId":1000}, "include":"resolve"}