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Unit Testing API Call

I am using .NET Core with xUnit/Moq to create unit tests. I would like to create a unit test for the following API call:

public IActionResult Get(int zip)
    //debugging here shows the repository has the object
    //but the result is always null
    Location result = repository[zip];
    if(result == null)
        return NotFound();
        return Ok(result);

The unit test I have (that's failing) is:

public void Api_Returns_Json_Object()
    Mock<IRepository> mockRepo = new Mock<IRepository>();
    mockRepo.Setup(m => m.Locations).Returns(new Location[]
        new Location
            zip = 88012,
            type = "STANDARD",
            state = "NM"

    ApiController controller = new ApiController(mockRepo.Object);

    // Act
    var response = controller.Get(88012);

    // Assert

When I debug, the repository shows the correct Location object, but the result is always null, returning a NotFound() status code.

If I test the response with PostMan it works correctly.

Here are the relevant IRepository members:

IEnumerable<Location> Locations { get; }
Location this[int zip] { get; }


  • Based on what is accessed within the method under test, the wrong member was set up when arranging the test

    public void Api_Returns_Json_Object() {
        int zip = 88012;
        var location = new Location
            zip = zip,
            type = "STANDARD",
            state = "NM"
        Mock<IRepository> mockRepo = new Mock<IRepository>();
        mockRepo.Setup(m => m[zip]).Returns(location);
        var controller = new ApiController(mockRepo.Object);
        // Act
        var response = controller.Get(zip);
        var okResult = response as OkObjectResult;
        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(location, okResult.Value);