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Why do I get different Locale.current in different Apps?

I have two different Apps that I run from XCode on the same device.

In AppDelegate application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions I print out the following debugging message:

print( Locale.current )

In one App it prints out sv_SE (as I would expect), but on the other App it prints out en_SE !!

As a result, dateFormatter.string will produce english names instead of the Swedish names that I where expecting.

func dayOfWeek(date:Date) -> String {
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale.current // locale is  en_SE not sv_SE   ???
    let dayname =  dateFormatter.string(from: date).capitalized
    return dayname   // returns SATURDAY not LÖRDAG    

Question: Why do I get different locales in different Apps when ran on the same device?


  • I found the answer here: Locale.current reporting wrong language on device

    The answer was that Locale.current is not the locale set on the device, but a "compromise" between that locale what the App supports. My first App did support swedish but my second did not. To get the locale on the device one should instead use Locale.preferredLanguages.first, as is done in the answer to Locale.current reporting wrong language on device.