I cannot get my image to render. I upload a protected image to S3, no problem. I then use the below code to retrieve the image. When I log imageReturn I get the image URL with token.
state = {
image: ''
async getImage(image) {
let imageReturn = await Storage.get('9807139f-e5b4-428e-8dfb-d7cfeebe87ab.jpeg')
image: imageReturn
I've tried rendering the image two different ways, with react-native's Image and with 'aws-amplify-react-native' S3Image.
<Image source={this.state.image} style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}/>
<S3Image key={'9807139f-e5b4-428e-8dfb-d7cfeebe87ab.jpeg'} />
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
AWS get return image URL, Image URL printing Must be added uri . Please Rewire Your code Snippest is
<Image source={uri:this.state.image} style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}/>