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Google historical prices into pandas dataframe

I want to get daily historical stock prices into a pandas dataframe. I know how to get call the google api using the intraday url of

    api = ',o,h,l,c,' 
    price = pd.read_csv(api, skiprows=8, header=None)

But I don't know how to get daily history.


  • You can change the intra-day interval and the date range:

    The intra-day interval is in seconds and there are 86,400 seconds in a day so you need to change i=300 to i=86,400. Something like following will get daily values and format the date and time:

    days_back = 10
    api = '{0}d&f=d,o,h,l,c,'.format(str(days_back)) 
    price = pd.read_csv(api, skiprows=8, header=None, names=["date", "open", "high", "low", "close"])
    base =
    date_list = [base - datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in price["date"]]
    price["date"] = date_list
    price["date"] = price["date"].apply(lambda x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

    A look at the price DataFrame returns the following:

              date    open     high    low   close
    0   2018-05-18  266.92  267.325 265.15  266.50
    1   2018-05-17  269.50  269.865 267.09  267.68
    2   2018-05-16  272.02  272.390 270.22  270.34
    3   2018-05-15  272.85  273.150 271.58  272.16
    4   2018-05-12  272.98  274.080 272.36  273.34
    5   2018-05-11  271.10  271.610 270.03  271.59
    6   2018-05-10  272.24  272.760 271.11  271.14
    7   2018-05-09  272.01  273.230 271.13  271.94
    8   2018-05-08  271.33  272.030 270.93  271.62