I'm trying to deploy a service which requires google protobuf's Timestamp but I am receiving an error.
gcloud endpoints services deploy api_descriptor.pb api_config.yaml --validate-only
ERROR: (gcloud.endpoints.services.deploy) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Cannot
convert to service config.
'ERROR: unknown location: Unresolved type '.google.protobuf.Timestamp''
my command to generate api_descriptor.pb:
protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-go=${GOBIN}/protoc-gen-go \
-I . proto/service.proto \
--descriptor_set_out=api_descriptor.pb \
--go_out=plugins=grpc:. \
relevant bit from proto file which requires google.protobuf.Timestamp:
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
import "vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto";
message CandleStick {
string ID = 1;
double Open = 2;
double Close = 3;
double High = 4;
double Low = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp TimeStamp = 6;
Tried for hours unsuccessfully to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!
In your protoc command line invocation, I think you need to include all the imports in the generated descriptor. You can do this using --include_imports
protoc \
--plugin=protoc-gen-go=${GOBIN}/protoc-gen-go \
--include_imports \
-I . proto/service.proto \
--descriptor_set_out=api_descriptor.pb \
--go_out=plugins=grpc:. \