I would like to use a function that is not static as a predicate. Unfortunately I recieve an error complaining about it being non-static and I am unsure how to approach this.
error: call to non-static member function without an object argument songs_.remove_if(Song::operator()(s) );
Here is the non-static function that I am using in combination with a remove_if:
bool Song::operator()(const Song& s) const
string thisArtist = Song::artist_;
string thisTitle = Song::title_;
// check if songs match title AND artists
return true;
// wild card artist or title
else if(thisArtist == "" || thisTitle == "")
return true;
// either artist or title match for both songs
// }
// else if(thisArtist == s.GetArtist() or thisTitle == s.GetTitle()){
// return true;
// no matches
return false;
and in another function I am trying to call a remove_if use that function as the predicate like so:
Song s = Song(title,artist);
songs_.remove_if(s.operator()(s) );
So my question is, how do I properly call this operator without it complaining about it being a non-static function? I have read somewhere about a pointer to the class instance but thats the closest thing I could find.
Try this:
Song s(title, artist);
songs_.remove_if([&s](const Song& x) { return x(s); });
It's pretty weird, though, to make the comparison logic part of an overloaded function call operator. If I had to guess I'd say that you could probably come up with a much cleaner design, e.g.:
songs_.remove_if([&s](const Song& x) {
return laxly_equal_with_callback(x, s);