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Gensim Doc2Vec: I'm gettting different vectors from documents that are identical

I have the following code and I think I am getting the vectors in a wrong way, because for example the vectors of two documents that are 100% identical are not the same.

def getDocs(corpusPath):
    """Function for processings documents as TaggedDocument"""
    # Loop over all the files in corpus
    for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(corpusPath, '*.csv')):
        # getWords is a function that gets the words from the provided directory
        # os.path.basename(file) takes the filename from the complete path
        yield TaggedDocument(words=getWords(file), tags=[os.path.basename(file)])

def getModel(corpusPath, outputName):
    # Get documents words from path
    documents = getDocs(corpusPath)

    cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    # Initialize the model
    model = models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=100, epochs=10, min_count=1, max_vocab_size=None, alpha=0.025, min_alpha=0.01, workers=cores)

    # Build Vocabulary

    # Train the model
    model.train(documents, total_examples=model.corpus_count, epochs=model.epochs)

    # Save the model as shown below
    model.save_word2vec_format(outputName, doctag_vec=True, word_vec=False, prefix="")

And the output has to be like this:

12571 100
134602.csv 0.00691074 0.157398 0.0921498 0.126362 0.158668 -0.0753151 -0.164655 0.0883756 0.0407546 0.15239 -0.0145177 0.061617 -0.0891562 -0.0417054 -0.0858589 0.00102948 0.0161595 2.13553e-05 -0.0668119 0.0450828 0.117537 -0.0729031 -0.0580456 -0.00258632 -0.104359 0.136366 -0.144994 -0.12065 -0.121757 0.0830929 -0.16462 -0.0151503 0.0399056 0.160027 -0.0787732 -0.00789994 -0.094897 0.00608254 -0.0661624 0.129721 0.163127 -0.0793746 -0.0964145 0.0606208 0.0875067 0.0161015 -0.132051 -0.0491245 -0.154828 0.133222 -0.0687664 0.120808 -0.111705 -0.053042 -0.0912231 -0.111089 0.0443708 -0.139493 0.0607425 -0.161168 0.0786498 0.150048 0.146688 -0.0837242 -0.0553738 -0.117545 0.0986267 -0.0923841 0.098877 -0.12193 -0.062616 -0.0845228 -0.0636123 0.0823107 -0.0826875 0.139011 -0.0923962 0.0288433 0.137355 0.121588 -0.145517 0.160373 0.0628389 -0.0764258 -0.107213 0.0421445 0.137447 -0.0658571 0.0424128 0.0672861 0.109817 -0.126953 -0.0453275 0.0834503 0.0974179 0.00825522 -0.165445 -0.0213084 -0.0292943 -0.162938
125202.csv 0.106642 0.167441 -0.0275412 0.130408 -0.107533 0.091452 0.0103496 -0.0214623 0.0873943 -0.0465384 -0.165227 -0.0540914 -0.00923723 0.175378 -0.051865 0.0107003 -0.179349 0.0683971 -0.159605 0.0644916 0.136338 0.111336 -0.0805002 0.00214934 -0.0490576 0.151279 -0.0397022 0.075442 -0.0278023 -0.0636982 0.174473 0.087985 -0.0714066 -0.0800442 -0.103995 -0.0228613 0.157171 -0.0678672 -0.161953 0.0839289 -0.155191 -0.00721683 0.0586751 -0.0474399 -0.122106 0.170611 0.157929 0.075531 -0.13505 0.093849 -0.119415 0.0386302 0.0139714 0.0756701 -0.0810199 -0.111754 0.112905 0.130293 -0.126257 -0.00654255 -0.0369909 -0.072449 0.0257127 0.0716955 0.103714 -0.0842208 -0.0534867 -0.095218 0.127797 -0.029322 0.161806 -0.177695 -0.0684089 0.0623551 0.06396 0.0828089 -0.0590939 0.0180832 -0.0591218 0.136139 -0.153984 0.108085 -0.127018 -0.0847872 -0.167081 0.0199622 0.0209045 0.0320618 0.0591803 0.0809688 0.0799196 0.15632 -0.0519707 0.0270171 -0.163197 -0.0846849 -0.176135 -0.0120047 -0.0697305 0.014441
116200.csv -0.0182099 -0.130409 -0.138414 -0.0310527 -0.0274882 -0.0711805 -0.0628653 -0.144249 -0.166021 -0.0242265 -0.130593 -0.141916 0.0119525 0.0500143 -0.147568 -0.036778 0.110357 0.0439302 -0.132496 -0.105203 0.0356234 0.0982645 0.134903 -0.0648039 -0.0566216 0.138991 -0.0467151 -0.140643 0.139711 0.0943256 0.0576583 0.0644239 0.00136725 -0.0296913 0.0612566 0.148131 0.067239 0.100442 0.0665155 0.104861 -0.0498524 0.0995954 -0.115922 -0.00524584 0.0491675 0.159028 0.132554 0.0479373 0.141164 0.173129 0.022317 -0.000446397 0.0867293 -0.155649 -0.0675728 -0.0981307 -0.0806008 -0.0107237 -0.103454 -0.0753868 -0.0551634 0.170743 0.0495554 0.11536 -0.0294355 0.061617 0.126016 -0.04804 -0.0315217 -0.169522 -0.0892494 -0.025444 0.0672556 0.166157 0.0647261 0.0944827 -0.0792354 0.0182105 0.118192 0.000124603 -0.10565 -0.155033 0.107355 0.150469 -0.104327 -0.162604 -0.0218357 0.145972 -0.145784 -0.00176559 0.153054 -0.16377 -0.11736 0.0892985 -0.0212026 0.0511168 -0.146278 -0.0134697 -0.0540684 0.0791529
148597.csv -0.15473 0.0955252 0.0432369 -0.0945614 0.136283 -0.102851 0.0847211 -0.0396431 -0.0467567 0.17154 0.153097 0.0693114 0.163837 0.135897 0.146128 -0.167215 -0.152268 -0.11602 0.0282252 -0.0779752 -0.0829204 0.018318 0.00621094 0.0707405 0.0968831 0.00652018 -0.0568833 0.0916579 -0.0400151 -0.0391421 -0.0548217 -0.173926 -0.110223 -0.0317329 -0.02952 -0.129147 0.0698902 -0.154276 -0.157658 -0.14261 0.032107 -0.0385964 -0.0587693 0.0212146 0.143626 0.142041 -0.0530896 -0.133748 0.131452 0.13672 0.148338 0.160325 -0.113424 0.0678939 -0.0229337 -0.170486 -0.156904 0.0710402 0.00277802 0.120395 0.0360002 -0.0593753 0.155915 -0.0620641 -0.112055 0.0153659 0.147731 -0.0249911 0.0360584 -0.0402479 0.022273 0.00174414 -0.0178126 -0.116679 0.0191754 -0.0089874 0.083151 -0.168562 -0.160357 -0.0659622 0.0248376 0.045583 0.127733 -0.0675122 -0.0734585 0.113653 0.166756 0.0723445 0.0554671 -0.0751338 0.0481711 -0.00127609 0.0560728 0.124651 -0.0495638 0.0985305 -0.110315 0.0672438 0.096637 0.104245
166916.csv 0.168698 0.0629846 0.0248923 -0.105248 0.172408 -0.0322083 0.174124 -0.113572 -0.0104922 0.0429484 -0.0306917 0.022368 -0.0584265 0.0337984 -0.0225754 0.143456 -0.121288 -0.133673 0.0677091 0.0583681 0.0390327 -0.141176 0.0694527 -0.0290526 -0.129707 -0.0765447 0.071578 0.146411 -0.112526 0.103688 -0.110703 0.0781341 0.0318269 0.105218 0.0177797 0.123248 0.158062 0.0370042 -0.137394 0.0246147 0.00653834 0.166063 -0.100149 -0.0479191 -0.0702838 0.0690037 0.114349 -0.0274343 0.014801 -0.0421596 0.0694873 0.0662955 -0.12477 -0.0088994 0.104959 0.149459 0.16611 0.0265376 -0.134808 0.101123 0.0431258 0.0584757 -0.0315779 0.121671 -0.0380923 -0.0897689 -0.0237933 0.110452 -0.0039647 0.106183 -0.165717 -0.16557 0.136988 0.121843 0.0722612 -0.00844494 0.175932 -0.0751714 0.152611 -0.0646956 0.105122 -0.108245 0.0583691 0.113012 0.171521 -0.0258976 0.0851889 -0.0941529 0.153386 0.0455267 -0.0259182 -0.0437207 -0.150415 0.132313 -0.143572 -0.0281547 -0.00231613 -0.00760185 -0.147233 -0.167408
148291.csv 0.00976907 0.168438 -0.0919878 -0.164332 -0.138181 -0.149775 -0.0394723 0.027946 0.0662307 -0.00850593 0.12174 0.106023 -0.11512 0.0694538 0.128228 0.066019 0.0805346 0.00220964 -0.0465066 0.0923588 0.121286 0.168551 0.0462572 0.0221805 -0.119831 0.00797117 -0.00709804 -0.0222688 0.0938169 0.100695 0.133902 0.15964 0.0544278 -0.0504766 -0.0539783 -0.0158389 0.0280565 -0.10531 0.112356 -0.0349924 0.155673 0.0491142 0.171533 -0.044268 0.0560867 -0.135758 0.114202 -0.120608 0.0373457 -0.0847815 0.0285375 -0.0101114 0.0169282 -0.00141743 -0.028344 -0.00979434 -0.0599551 0.0554465 -0.0583942 -0.169627 0.167471 -0.00661054 0.114252 -0.00489984 0.167312 0.144928 0.0376684 -0.118885 0.0426739 0.169052 0.00265325 0.146609 0.163534 -0.100965 -0.101386 0.127619 0.148285 -0.0881821 -0.100448 -0.044064 0.106071 0.0239426 0.0733384 -0.0962991 0.0939341 0.0659483 0.122844 -0.140426 -0.0485195 0.0645185 0.037179 0.0963829 -0.109955 -0.151168 -0.0413991 -0.0556731 -0.173456 -0.167728 -0.128145 0.150923

Where the first word of each line is the name of each file, and what follows is the corresponding vector for that file. I need to save the vectors in this way to use an external software.


  • The algorithm ('Paragraph Vector') behind Doc2Vec makes use of randomness during initialization and training. Training also never reaches a point where all adjustments stop – just a point where it's believed that further updates will have negligible net value.

    So, identical texts won't achieve identical vectors – they're each being updated, alongside the model's internals, with each training cycle, against a slightly-different base model, with slightly different randomization choices. If you have enough data, good parameters, and are engaging in enough training, they should become very close. And, your downstream evaluations/uses should be tolerant of such small variances.

    Similarly, two runs on the same corpus won't result in identical end-vectors unless extreme care is taken to force determinism – for example by limiting training to a single worker thread, so that OS thread scheduling unpredictability doesn't slightly change the order of training examples. So vectors should only be compared if they were co-trained together, in the same model – and again, downstream applications should be tolerant of slight jitter from run to run or example to example.

    Other notes about your setup:

    • min_count=1 is almost always a bad choice - words with single (or few) examples just add noise to the training, making resulting vectors worse.

    • stochastic gradient descent optimization typically ends after the learning-rate alpha has been smoothly reduced to a tiny, near-zero value (such as 0.0001) – you're using a final alpha (0.01) that's a full 40% of the starting alpha.

    • you may also want to save your models using gensim's native .save(), because .save_word2vec_format() discards most model internals, and squashes the doc-vectors into the same namespace as any word-vectors.