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Trello API: Get all Cards assigned to a user, on a specific board

I'm trying to get all cards in a board assigned to a specific user, but the below returns all the cards in a board.

I did not find this solution anywhere; this is what I tried, and it returns cards assigned to all users:${boardid}/cards?fields=name,shortLink&key=${applicationkey}&token=${userkey}
  • ${boardid} = id of the board I want cards from
  • ${applicationkey} = Trello Developer API Key
  • ${userkey} = Trello User Token

Looks like a lot of people were able to do this, but there is no working documentation on this one.


  • I was able to accomplish this (get all cards assigned to me), by using the Trello search API.

    Query URL (Cards assigned to a member):${memberid}%20board:${boardname}%20sort:edited&card_fields=name,shortLink&cards_limit=100&key=${applicationkey}&token=${userkey}

    Query Pattern (regexp to read cards):


    Parameters used:

    • ${applicationkey} = Developer API Key
    • ${userkey} = User Token
    • ${boardname} = Actual name of the board in Trello
    • ${memberid} = member id of the Trello user

    Get Developer API key and User Token: Click here

    Get member id from here:${boardname}%20sort:edited&card_fields=name,shortLink,member&cards_limit=100&key=APIKey&token=UserToken