I want to use the result of ls command in a loop to check if for example the first line is a directory, second etc. For example I have this folder that contains one directory the script should display:
18_05_2018 is directory
Create a file named is_file_or_directory.sh containing:
cd "$1" || echo "Please specify a path" && exit
for i in *; do
if [[ -d $i ]]; then
echo "$i is a directory"
elif [[ -f $i ]]; then
echo "$i is a file"
echo "$i is not valid"
exit 1
Make that file executable with:
sudo chmod +x is_file_or_directory.sh
Run the script specifying as a parameter the path that you want to analyze:
./is_file_or_directory.sh /root/scripts/
jeeves ~/scripts/stack # ./is_file_or_dir.sh /root/scripts/
databe.py is a file
is_file_or_dir.sh is a file
mysql_flask.py is a file
test is a directory
Here's a more detailed explanation of what is happening under the hood. The variable $1 is, in Bash, the first parameter sent to the script. In our case it is the path where the script will perform its actions. Then we use the variable $i in the loop.
$i content will be every file / folder name in the path $1. With -d and -f we check if $i is a file or a folder.