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Laravel Eloquent Eager Load Sums

I am using eager load to load data before loading a page to make the load time faster.

$websites = Website::with('valid_click_ads',

I was wondering if there was a way to get column summations this way. Ex:

$websites = Website::with('valid_click_ads:sum(clicks),sum(revenue)',

This would make that load time even better! Thank you!


  • There's nothing like this but you can use withCount method as a wrapper for sum this way :

    $websites = Website::withCount(['valid_click_ads'=>function($query){
                             $query->select( DB::raw( "COALESCE(SUM(clicks),0)" ) );
                             $query->select( DB::raw( "COALESCE(SUM(clicks),0)" ) );
                             $query->select( DB::raw( "COALESCE(SUM(clicks),0)" ) );

    COALESCE is a SQL function to return sum if exists else returns 0 instead of returning null.

    UPDATE : If you want to retrieve separate summation columns you have to define an index for each of them and alias them like this :

    $websites = Website::withCount(['valid_click_ads as firstRes'=>function($query){
                         $query->select( DB::raw( "COALESCE(SUM(col1),0)" ) );
                       'valid_click_ads as secondRes'=>function($query){
                         $query->select( DB::raw( "COALESCE(SUM(col2),0)" ) );
