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CatalogVersion with catalogId 'xxxProductCatalog' and version 'Staged' not found

i follow that tutorial

first i changed impex names to mystore name.

Then i went to hac console and updated only my extension, mystoreinitialdata.

But it gives those errors:

Creating project data for mystoreinitialdata ...
Begin importing common data for [mystoremystoreinitialdata]
Begin importing product catalog data for [xxx]
Begin importing content catalog data for [xx]
Begin synchronizing Product Catalog [xxx]

Error creating sample data for mystoreainitialdata. See console output.

ERROR [hybrisHTTP39] [Initialization] de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.UnknownIdentifierException: CatalogVersion with catalogId 'xxxProductCatalog' and version 'Staged' not found!

i searched and there is no xxxProductCatalog in my code.

What can i do?


  • Make sure the ImportData created in your InitialDataSystemSetup has valid names for ProductCatalog and Content Catalog attributes. Like this:

    final List<ImportData> importData = new ArrayList<ImportData>();
    final ImportData sampleImportData = new ImportData();
    getCoreDataImportService().execute(this, context, importData);
    getEventService().publishEvent(new CoreDataImportedEvent(context, importData));
    getSampleDataImportService().execute(this, context, importData);
    getEventService().publishEvent(new SampleDataImportedEvent(context, importData));

    Also make sure, that catalogs with the names "mystoreContentCatalog" and "mystoreProductCatalog" are created in the impex files in the following files:


    INSERT_UPDATE ContentCatalog;id[unique=true]
    INSERT_UPDATE CatalogVersion;catalog(id)[unique=true];version[unique=true];active;languages(isoCode)


    INSERT_UPDATE Catalog;id[unique=true]
    INSERT_UPDATE CatalogVersion;catalog(id)[unique=true];version[unique=true];active;languages(isoCode);readPrincipals(uid)